I’m here to help you do more of what lights you up.


Life Coach Mar

All I ever wanted was to get married and have kids, but I couldn’t figure out how to really enjoy my life. Can you relate?

My name is Marinda. I’m married to the love of my life and we have 6 kids, but life wasn’t always a walk in the park.

I used to struggle with anxiety + depression. I thought something was wrong with me because I was so unhappy even though I had everything I wanted.

I thought my standards were too high. I was constantly compromising on what I wanted. My life looked amazing on the outside, but inside, I was falling apart.

I felt like I couldn’t tell anyone I was struggling because I should have been happy.

  • I knew I loved my kids, but I couldn’t stop yelling at them.

  • I knew I loved my husband, but I kept avoiding him.

  • I knew I had plenty of time, but I never finished my creative projects.

I thought everything had to wait in order for me to really enjoy my life, and then I found coaching.

I learned how my brain works and how overwhelm was sabotaging my life.

It changed my life.

After coaching, my life came together in a way I’d never experienced before. I stopped focusing on what was wrong and what I couldn’t do or have, and I started LIVING my life in a new way.


I can help you do this too.

Eliminating overwhelm gives you the space you need to create lasting change. It requires two things: desire + dedication.

It has been my mission to help moms know who they are, what they want, and how to live their life effectively. I want to teach you how.

I love working with moms like you because I know how hard it can be when it seems like you can’t do what you want, you can’t buy what you want, and you can’t be who you really are just because you’re a mom, but you don’t want your kids to be a problem, so you hold it all inside.

When you work with me we will clear your mind and simplify your life in a doable way so you decrease your overwhelm significantly. I know you can do this because I did it and my clients are doing it. I’m going hold your hand and help you each step of the way. You will feel supported. You’re going to know the smallest first step to take and what to do next to keep the momentum going.

After our time together your life will feel spacious. There will be freedom in how you live your days. You will have quiet-mindset-coffee-alone time on the regular. You will feel like you’ve completely reinvented your life.

Ready to reinvent your life?
Coach with me for 8 weeks and feel satisfied again.