The most important step

This is the most important step. 

Based on the previous post, we uncovered the importance of taking ownership to create change by making sure that what you want to do is present on your calendar.

AKA: you stop waiting

But just because something is on your calendar doesn’t mean it’ll actually get done.

I promise you that it remains true that we are more productive when the things we are asking ourselves to do are aligned with our values.

So, if you’re planning what you want, why is it so hard to take action?

Let’s have a conversation about this.

I know you value simplicity. I know you want to have a clean + organized home.

But I also know how frustrating it is to feel like nobody else cares what the house is like.

It’s important to you because when the house is a mess, you feel a mess, and when the house is clean, you literally have more energy.

You need to create, it’s what makes everything worth it, but you can’t create in a dump.

But if you let the state of the house determine how you feel, you give away all your power.

When you think nobody else cares about the house,

and you feel frustrated and angry,

you don’t do what you planned to do.

You fall back into waiting.

And complaining.

Nothing ever changes around here.

The dark apathy creeping in.

This happens NOT because there’s something wrong with you,

but because your brain has a pattern.

Your mind is set on things NOT working for you.

If you fill your calendar with lots of things YOU want to do, but you approach your life thinking it’s not going to work, it’s probably not going to work.

OTHER things will fill up your time. The house, the kids, the hubby…

You’ll get to the end of the week and feel deflated.

And you’ll probably think you just need to be more disciplined!

More committed!

You didn’t work hard enough!

But the only reason it didn’t work is because of what your mind was set on when the week started.

We want to change your mindset, FIRST.

We want to change it so things DO work out for you.

THE most important step is to know what is going on in your mind.

You need to know what your mind is set on.

What is your mind set on?

What is your mind set on when it comes to cleaning?

When it comes to creating?

To having your own time?

It does not matter how much you have going on in your life.

What your mind is set on is what you will create.

You could have a million things going on between the kids, the house, the schedules, taking care of you, keeping up with friends, your husband, and whatever else.

But if your mind is set on having a clean house, the house will be clean.

If your mind is set on being creative, you will create.

If your mind is set on having solitude, you will make time for you.

So, when you plan how you’re going to spend your time, you also want to be aware of your current mindset regarding what you plan.

I’m not talking about what you WISH your mindset was.

I’m talking about what you’re already thinking and believing is probably going to happen.

What you want might SEEM out of your control, or just how things are, or that you just have to deal with it.

But this is really just a story you have that’s creating that mindset. 

It’s also known as a Belief System. (BS) And trust me, I will call you on your BS because it will disguise itself as truth, but it only feels true because you’ve been thinking and believing that story for so long.

✍️ So here’s your homework for today:

Make a list of your top 5 values.

For each value, write out what your current mindset is.

The more detailed you are, the more transformation you open yourself up to.

If one of your values is your home, spend a good 20 minutes journaling about what you think about your home. What you think about the cleaning you do for your home. What you think other people think about your home. What you think about the spaces you have within your home.

Then observe how these THOUGHTS make up the mindset.

But just remember that this is YOUR story.

Because somebody somewhere is praying and dreaming that someday they could have what you have.

What do you think THEY are thinking about your home?

The point of this exercise is to give you awareness. Perspective.

It doesn’t mean things won’t change at home or that you just need to be more thankful or appreciative.

We’re supposed to want more than we have.

Our brain is designed this way to help us survive.

Think about it. Back in the day, if we didn’t have more than we needed in the moment, we wouldn’t survive the winter.

This is just your primitive brain at work. It’s doing its job very well.

What I want to do is help you start using your prefrontal cortex more often.

I want to help you think on purpose, plan ahead, and decide intentionally what you want your life to be like.

But if we never uncover your current mindset, we won’t know how to reprogram your brain.

So uncover what your mind is set on today.

Start being onto your brain.

Expand your awarness.

And if you ever want more support, I’m here for you. You can click here and we can have a conversation about your life.

(Scheduling a call with me does not mean you have to become a client.)


Does your calendar reflect your values?


Not what, but who